Topics of Interest

HSB is a workshop centring on dynamical models in biology, with an emphasis on both hybrid systems (in the classical sense, i.e., mixed continuous-discrete-stochastic systems) and hybrid approaches that combine modelling, analysis, algorithmic and experimental techniques from different areas.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Modelling and analysis of metabolic, signalling and genetic regulatory networks in living cells.
  • Stochastic and hybrid models in biology.
  • Models of tissues and organs; physiological models.
  • Learning, synthesis, and inference of biosystems.
  • Hierarchical systems for multi-scale, multi-domain analysis.
  • Abstraction, approximation, discretisation and model reduction techniques.
  • Synthetic biology, cyber-biological / bio-in-the-loop systems, biomedical systems and devices and bio-robotics.
  • Game-theoretical frameworks and population models in biology.
  • Quantitative and formal analysis techniques (e.g. reachability, model checking, abstract interpretation, bifurcation theory).
  • Modelling languages and logics for biosystems.

In general, the workshop is open to new theoretical results with potential applications to systems and synthetic biology, as well as novel applications and case studies of existing methods, tools, or frameworks.

Special Issue

Submissions to the Open Special Issue on HSB 2020 in Information and Computation can be made.

Call for Contributions

HSB 2020 also solicits poster abstracts presenting original unpublished work. The abstracts must be written in English, formatted in Springer LNCS style and should not exceed 2 pages including references. Each submission will be reviewed by at least two reviewers. 

Previously published Work

In addition to original contributions, HSB 2020 invites abstracts for oral presentation of recent outstanding results already published or accepted for publication in a recognised journal or a high-quality conference during the last year. These non-original contributions will be presented as well.