Due to COVID-19, the 7th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems and Biology (HSB 2020) will be conducted digitally on the 4th of September 2020.

HSB centers on dynamical models in biology, with an emphasis on both hybrid systems (in the classical sense, i.e., mixed continuous/discrete/stochastic systems) and hybrid approaches that combine modelling, analysis, algorithmic and experimental techniques from different areas.

Hybrid systems and approaches are essential to the understanding of complex living systems, which are characterized by stochasticity and heterogeneous spatio-temporal scales. These methods are crucial also for the design and analysis of artificial biochemical systems (e.g., engineered bacteria or molecular machines) and of medical cyber-physical systems such as pacemakers and infusion pumps. The complexity of such models makes their formal analysis challenging, and even their simulations are often impractical, calling for appropriate model abstractions and scalable analysis methods.

HSB aims at bringing together researchers from different disciplines interested in applying these methods to the study of structure, dynamics, and control mechanisms of living systems.